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镇江英赛德铸造材料有限公司隶属于西班牙INGENIERIA Y SERVICIOS TECNICOS,S.A。集团公司成立于1980年,生产工业炉和耐火材料,专业生产用于黑色金属、有色金属及其他行业所使用的耐火材料和消耗品。

ZHENJIANG INSERTEC FOUNDRT SUPPLIES CO.,LTD. s part of  INGENIERIA Y SERVICIOS TECNICOS,S.A.(INSERTEC).The Spanish company founded in 1980 that supplies both Industrial Furnaces and Refractory Products, specialized in manufacturing refractory materials and consumable products for Ferrous, Non-ferrous and other related industries.



INSERTEC manufacturers more than 60,000 tons/year of refractory masses, and sells them in more than 50 countries around the world. Based on : raw material, production control, high quality products, suitable design and competitive prices, INSERTEC has become a worldwide leader company in refractory industry.



The company's products in the ferrous used in: Coreless Induction Furnaces, Automatic Pouring Units, Channel Furnaces, Conventional and Long-Campaign Cupolas, Transfer & Treatment Ladles. In the non-ferrous used in: Reverb furnace, Tower melting furnace, Ladles and Launders. In addition, there are a variety of shaped preform service in non-ferrous metal smelting furnace, help to improve the quality of the products.



INSERTEC is committed to expand its sales in foreign markets through a continuous quality improvement process and investments in R&D. 


招聘职位 查看更多
  • 公司规模:50 - 99人
  • 公司性质:外商独资
  • 所属行业:铸造其它
  • 所在地区:江苏-镇江市-丹徒区
  • 地址:镇江市丹徒区德胜路68号(蓝丽尔鞋业对面)
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